Mike Wilson's - Basic Live/Virtual Computer Classes.
Convenienty Take Classes at Your House!
Register with 1 of 25 centers around the country for
26 fun & basic computer classes
by Zoom or in the classroom!
Also see the "Workplace" Computer Literacy classes
E-mail Mike at backoncourse@att.net
1000s of satisfied students in over 60 cities!
Click below - Mike introduces his classes
Administrators' comments on Mike's classes
and see where he has taught or currently does teach computer
classes? See over 55 institutions and 26 libraries below.
20 Live Zoom Computer Basics Classes

Well...Mike's on the eastside. Thirteen students total.
Some were a bit camera shy!
(One student enjoyed it so much, he brought his clown nose! Can your find him in the picture?)
Glad you're here!
My name is Mike, and I am a computer Instructor and author. My passion has been helping 1000’s of adults and seniors learn computers in over 60 cities in 19 years. I have taught at colleges, workforce and development, community education centers, libraries, and many senior centers. I get overwhelming excellent comments about my unique style of teaching, which is basically simplistic. I try to take even the advanced things and break them down so students can understand them. My goal is for “no student to be left behind” and I try to rank extremely high to fulfill that goal. Currently, I instruct students virtually from my location into their own homes! My live sessions are great for dabblers, tinkerers, and those who have recently bought a computer for personal or business use.
My Experience Working with Seniors and Adults
Face-to-face and virtual institutions below offer Mike's current classes
Here are places I have taught at (or currently teach at) over the last 17 years
(with overwhelming excellent ratings) and you might have run into me:
Albert Lea Community Education (virtual)
Alden District Library
Allen Park Public Library
Ann Arbor Community Education (seniors)
Alexandria Schools (virtual)
Bacon Memorial District Library
Berkley Parks and Recreation (seniors)
Blair Memorial Library (Clawson)
Bloomfield Twp. Senior Center
Brandon Township Public Library
Brighton Community Education
Brighton District Library
Canton Public Library
Canton Summit & Leisure Services (seniors)
Chippewa Valley Community Education (seniors)
Civic Park Senior Center - Livonia (seniors)
Clarkston Senior Center
Clawson Senior Center
Clinton-Macomb Public Library (virtual)
Clinton Township Senior Center
Community District 128 (virtual)
Dearborn Centennial Library
Dearborn Heights Kennedy Library
(Filled in and taught a class) -
Eastpointe Library
Ecorse Library
Ferndale Community Education (Kulick)
Ferndale Housing Commission
Ferndale Library
Ferndale Seniors' Group
Five Town Community Education (virtual)
Ford (William) Center
Franklin Library
Grosse Ile Center (seniors)
Grosse Pointe Ewald Library
Hamtramck Public Library
Hazel Park Library
Henry Ford Community College
Henry Ford Comm. Coll. in association
with the State Government, and
Michigan Works! (Authored a book
for HFCC M-TEC & Michigan Works!.
Taught all Government-sponsored
“No Worker Left Behind”
computer classes in Michigan) -
Henry Ford Village Independent Living (Allegra)
Huntington Woods Library
Huntington Woods Parks and Recreation
Independence Township Senior Center
Jewish Community Center (Southfield/W. Bloomfield)
Kalamazoo Library
Livonia Community Education
Livonia Library (Carl Sandburg)
Los Positas College (virtual)
Lyon Township Public Library (virtual)
Madison Heights Library
Marygrove College
McHenry County College (virtual)
Milford Library
Millbury Library (virtual)
New Prague Community Education (virtual)
Newbury Library (virtual)
Northville Parks and Rec. (seniors)
Novi Public Library
Oak Park Library
Oak Park Parks and Recreation (seniors)
Oxford Public Library
Pack Library (virtual)
Parkland College (virtual)
Plymouth-Canton Community Education
Redford Township Library
Robbinsdale Community Education (virtual)
Rockwood Senior Center
Roseville Community Education (virtual)
Royal Oak Library (virtual)
S.E.M.C.O. (Southeast Michigan Computer Organization)
S.O.A.R. (Society of Active Retirees)
Saline Community Education
Senior Services - Midland County, MI
Schoolcraft College (in person and virtual)
Shakopee Community Education (virtual)
South Lyon Center for Active Adults
Southern Lake Parks and Recreation (virtual)
Southfield Library (hosted by library/Southfield Senior Rec.)
Southfield Senior Recreation
Springhill Library (virtual)
St. Clair County Library - Port Huron
St. Clair Shores Community Education
Sterling Heights Computer Club
Sterling Heights Senior Center
Trenton Library
Umpqua Community College (virtual)
Utica Community Education
Waterford Library
Wayne County Community College
Wayne-Westland Community Schools
West Bloomfield Library
West Bloomfield Senior Center (virtual)
Westland Library
Westland Senior Center